Monday, 9 February 2015

Spring term 2015 schedule

The sessions require no prior preparations from the participants. A typical session involves the close reading of a short excerpt with the session leader orchestrating the discussion and introducing the participants to the linguistic and methodological issues of his/her own field. We are particularly interested in any points of comparison and contrast between the legal thought (and implications thereof) of different societies and encourage all approaches (e.g. philosophical, legal, socio-historical, philological, literary).

18 February, Wednesday 5pm
A114 (Samuel Alexander building)
The historical formation of Islamic law
(Mehmet Ciftci)
4 March, Wednesday 5pm
A114 (Samuel Alexander building)
Jewish ethics vs Jewish law - The Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer
(Katharina Keim)
18 March, Wednesday 4pm
A18 (Samuel Alexander building)
Prostitution in Roman and Church law
(Rosie Jackson)
The reading group is open to all staff and students members of the university and beyond.

For further information, please visit our blog or contact Marton Ribary and Sam Jones: and

Job, Moses, Aaron and Joshua from an Ethiopian manuscript
(15th-16th century CE, Gunda Gunde 440, ff. 15v-16r)

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